
1.    President:

a. Shall schedule, write agendas for and preside over all General Membership and Board meetings. Shall be a member of and attend all Policy Review Board meetings.
b. Shall attend and keep minutes at scheduled meetings with Housing and Residential Services staff to discuss residents’ concerns. Shall provide the minutes of these meetings to the Webmaster to be published on the website.
c. Shall represent F.S.H. Tenants' Association in consultation with University and non-University organizations and individuals, and communicate the needs and interests of F.S.H. residents to them.
d. Shall oversee the work of all other Board members, and inform the treasurer any time an officer has not fulfilled a job responsibility, which merits a fine.
e. Shall be a signature on the checking account and be responsible for all expenditures.
f. Shall field communication from residents as necessary (and delegate questions/concerns to the appropriate officer when appropriate).
g. Shall cast the deciding board member vote in the case of a tie.
h. Shall assign newsletter articles for the monthly MailChimp newsletter to be completed monthly and write articles as necessary.

i. Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws section IX.

2.   Vice Presidents:

a. Shall attend all General Membership meetings, Board meetings, and Policy Review Board meetings.
b. Shall attend and keep minutes at scheduled meetings with Housing and Residential Services staff to discuss residents’ concerns. Shall provide the minutes of these meetings to the Webmaster to be published on the website.
c. Shall fill in for the President at meetings when she/he is unable to attend.
d. Shall write articles for the monthly MailChimp newsletter as assigned.
e. Shall research policies and issues and assist President in coordinating issues assigned to each complex representative.
f. Shall coordinate the distribution of fliers.

g. Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws section IX.

4.      Secretary:

a. Shall attend all General Membership meetings and Board meetings and record meeting minutes. A copy of these minutes will be available to all, via website, no later than two weeks from the date the meeting occurred.
b. Shall attend all Policy Review Board meetings and record meeting minutes and distribute to attendees within two weeks of the meeting date.
c. Shall keep and provide a contact list for all officers.
d. Shall compile and edit the Quarterly newsletter.
e. Shall write articles for the monthly MailChimp newsletter as assigned.
f. Shall work with the Webmaster to create and print advertisements and newsletters.

g. Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws section IX.

5.      Treasurer:

a. Shall attend all General Membership meetings and Board meetings.
b. Shall be a signature on checks.
c. Shall submit monthly written reports of all expenditures and incomes to the Board and provide these reports to the Webmaster to be published on the website.
d. Shall submit an annual budget with the assistance of the Board to the General Membership and provide this report to the Webmaster to be published on the website.
e. Shall write monthly stipend checks after conferring with the President regarding all possible fines to be subtracted from stipends.
f. Shall submit the TA budget at all General Membership meetings.
g. Shall issue prorated TA fee refunds upon request of residents who are moving before the end of the year.
h. Shall maintain financial records necessary for audits and any other required financial documents.
i. Shall write articles for the monthly MailChimp newsletter as assigned.

j. Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws section IX.

6.      Webmaster**:

a. Shall attend all General Membership meetings, Board meetings, and Policy
Review Board meetings.
b. Shall have knowledge of website development in order to maintain, update, and
design the FSH TA website.
c. Shall act as the “gatekeeper” for all electronic and social media accounts.
d. Shall release content from the Board to the public via the website and other social
e. Shall publish all minutes and important business on the website.
f. Shall publish all relevant contact information to the website.
g. Shall maintain TA e-mail box and forward all correspondence to the correct
h. Shall maintain Tenants’ Association e-mail list, if necessary.
i. Shall write articles for the monthly MailChimp newsletter as assigned.
j. Shall work with the Secretary to create and publish all advertisements and

k. Shall receive a stipend as stipulated in Bylaws section IX.

**Different from the other officers elected by residents, Webmaster is appointed by TA Board. The board will hold an open recruitment and interview process for the webmaster. **

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